Art Basel: Miami

Art F City reports from the international art show: "For the most part, art was selling fast and early. By midday, 'Devil’s Gate,' one of Damien Hirst’s cases of insect specimens (art fair stalwarts) had gone for $1.9 million at White Cube, and a large pumpkin by Yayoi Kusama (who has a show up now in New York) for $600,000 at David Zwirner."

The NY Observer Gallerist has a photo gallery of the show, and The New York Times profiles Juan Yarur, one of Chile's most prominent art collectors, who is "one of many art collectors in South America who were introduced to the international art world at Art Basel in Miami Beach..." as well one of the many South Americans who are part of the emerging market on that continent. In addition, a painting by Phil Fung in Miami was stolen. Artist Arnaud Pages to the reporter: "'Look, you guys are talking about it. It’s publicity for him you know?...If he was really smart, he probably stole it himself to get the publicity.'”